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NeuroPREP [Professors' Relationship and Education Program] is a faculty training program on neurodiversity that Dr. Yasamin Bolourian co-developed with her colleague at Cal State University Fullerton, Dr. Sasha Zeedyk. The training materials have been reviewed by an Advisory Committee, consisting of faculty, disability support staff, and neurodiverse college students across the United States. Committee members provided invaluable feedback on how to enhance core elements of the program.


For more information about the program and how to access it, please see the PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. Access options include a self-paced online course and group trainings (remote or in person). If you would like to take the self-paced course, please visit the COURSE PAGE. If the group training is something you, your colleagues, or your campus would be interested in, please send me a message.


"The training was very well organized.  The two facilitators had a great rapport with the audience and solicitated useful feedback.  Sasha and Yasamin are well versed in the strength of and challenges of our neurodivergent population and were able to convey findings from their research."

"I think NeuroPrep should be part of the training for faculty in all three segments of California Public Education."

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